You can see the difference between prejudging and finals here:


Big difference, but I took it as a learning experience and tried to move on from it.
I wrestled with whether or not to do the IFPA Yorton Cup, my feelings on one hand were if I couldn't place top 3 at the Cape Cod pro, what was the point of getting into the Yorton, the biggest and best show in pro natural bodybuilding? Ultimately I decided to do the show and was so happy I did. I weighed in at the bottom end of the heavyweight class which had a total of 12 competitors, and 36 male pro bodybuilders overall, spread over 3 classes! Absolute insanity from top to bottom. Standing backstage looking at some of these guys was just mind boggling. I definitely made sure I paid closer attention to my body this show and I came in much fuller and tighter for the prejudging. In the end I wound up in 5th place and I was very satisfied because I came in at my best and placed top 5 in my very first Yorton Cup. Being onstage with some of the best in the world definitely motivated me to get back this offseason and hit the iron with a vengence to make more improvements to my physique so I can move into the upper echelon of pros, I still have a long way to go in that regard!
A pic from the Yorton:

I still have one more show left this year, the NGA Pro Universe on November 13th in Coral Springs, FL. It will be another tough lineup of pros and I am looking forward to trying to come in even better at this show and hopefully look my very best onstage. If you are in the area, please be sure to check out the show!
But I won't be done completely just yet, the following weekend I will be guest posing at the OCB Midwest States in Dekalb, IL. This show is near and dear to my heart as Isabel and I have attended every single Midwest States since it began in 2005. We know many of the competitors and fans in the area and I can't tell you how excited I am to have the honor of guest posing at this show! I am especially looking forward to celebrating with everyone afterwards! In total, I will have dieted for 33 weeks, so I can't say I'm not looking forward to sitting down with my close friends and family and having a good time :).
Hope to see you there!